What is Coping International?

Coping International is first and foremost a tool for marginalised children fathered by Roman Catholic Priests and Religious. ‘Religious’ refers to priests and nuns who belong to religious orders, as opposed to a diocese. The phenomenon of children of clergy and religious is not new. The Vatican has admitted to Coping International that said children are “inevitable.” If you are the child of a priest or religious, this is the first step toward openness and healing for you. Families, friends, and church personnel often attempt to silence said children, marginalising their parents (mother and father.) Ironically, such an attempt at averting, what is wrongly deemed as “scandal”, is contrary to all Catholic values and moral codes. Here at Coping, you can click the contact page above and send an email. We will revert to you. Coping is monitored by a Psychotherapist and Theologian who is proficient in church matters.

Children, Mothers and Fathers are all welcome at Coping. We have an online secret group with scores of members from around the world. The group is only accessible by invited members and cannot be found by non-members. Here, we have a community where you may share safely and freely. Drop us an email if you wish to join.

What Does Coping Do?

Coping has two main objectives, 1) Facilitation of free mental health assistance for children of priests paid for by the Roman Catholic Church, with independent, professional therapists. 2) Activism and lobbying the Catholic Church on a global level to implement guidelines and safeguarding standards that put the child first before all other considerations. Coping encourages the adult child to liaise with the church directly, accompanied by Coping for mediation purposes. However, if for any reason one prefers Coping to represent the church authorities directly, this can be arranged.

Coping is a free service.

Welcome to Coping.